
4.7 ( 9687 ratings )
Näringsliv Sociala nätverk
Utvecklare: Consumer Delight Business Services Ltd

Feedbackplus is your omni-channel platform for constant and continuous feedback between consumers and providers of products and services. Feedbackplus enables customers to give their feedback to products/services organizations either as the service encounter is taking place or later at their convenience.

Features of feedbackplus

- Monitor the status of your feedback when it is ‘Unassigned or On Queue’, ‘Receiving Attention’, ‘25% Resolved’, ‘75% Resolved’, and ‘100% Resolved’.

- Receive notification whenever the company resolves or comments on your feedback.

- Get to ‘confirm’ or ‘disprove’ resolution whenever you receive notification that the issue has been resolved.

- Indicate your satisfaction/dissatisfaction level with every feedback submitted

- Attach document/pictorial evidence to your feedback if applicable

- Accelerate the ease and process of feedback to products/services providers